Ongoing classes and retreats are offered to support learning meditation, spiritual growth, and awareness. Different classes may focus on different pathways and heart-centered practices. Our core focus for all classes and retreats is deepening liberation and opening to an end to suffering for each participant and for all sentient beings. Aaron, and occasionally other Entities, may speak during a class or retreat, with the intention to guide and deepen meditation.
For questions regarding programs, email Tana at
Teacher questions may be addressed to Barbara Brodsky at and to John Orr at
See Year at a Glance for an overview of this year's program calendar. See Events Calendar for specific dates, times, and registration links.
Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry

Awakening and Living Awake – Grounding the Earth in Unconditional Love
Waking up! We are all already awake, but most people have forgotten this truth. It was necessary that we arrived sleeping—now it is vital that we awaken.
Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry: Awakening and Living – Grounding the Earth in Unconditional Love
Guided by Aaron and Mary Magdalene along with other entities, Barbara Brodsky and John Orr
Each three-hour class period (6 pm – 9 pm EST) will include a talk from human and/or spirit, a meditation instruction period, meditation practice, and a small group meeting with John, Barbara or another facilitator.
My inside, listen to me, the greatest spirit, the Teacher, is near— wake up, wake up!
Run to his feet— He is standing close to your head right now.
You have slept for millions and millions of years.
Why not wake up this morning?
Waking up! We are all already awake, but most people have forgotten this truth. It was necessary that we arrived sleeping—now it is vital that we awaken.
We chase that elusive awakeness, forgetting who we are. We practice on both levels: the ultimate one where everything is connected, awake and present—and the relative one where we move through awakening as a gradual process.
In this year’s class, we will use various supports as well as our all-important meditation practice.
The ten Ox Herding pictures from the Zen tradition will be a major support path that we will follow. A handout will be provided to the class participants.
We will also use parts of other texts, including Flight of the Garuda by the yogi Shabkar, Cultivating the Empty Field by Hong-zhi, and Aaron’s books—Awakened Heart and No Chain at All in order to develop a deeper understanding of Dependent Origination.
Introduction by Aaron:
The opening of the path to awakening starts with the awareness that although suffering does arise, it has causes. One has a choice about how one participates in those causes. Suffering does not arise by chance. You are not a victim.
This insight leads us into the four noble truths: suffering; the causes of suffering; the truth of freedom; the path out of suffering. Attention to these four noble truths leads the practitioner to some hope— there is freedom. (Searching for the Ox; Finding the Footprints; Seeing the Ox)
In the beginning there is a desire to escape suffering for oneself—but if one seeks freedom only for oneself, there can be no freedom. Thus, there must be some degree of insight, grounded in deep understanding, of the interbeing of all that is. At this stage the practitioner is not stable in this understanding but there are glimpses of non-duality. Intention to non-harm is strong.
Everyone in this class has deep experience. You have been meditating. Likely you have been in Dharma Path and The Eden Project classes and doing your own practices. You have commitment to awakening. We will start at the beginning to pull it together but will move on quickly.
Grounded in your committed practice and intention for the alleviation of suffering for all beings, we will observe that we have seen the ox, and will begin to understand what it means to Catch the Ox, to Tame the Ox, to Ride the Ox Home. These steps are the basis for the first classes of the academic year.
Everyone in this class has deep commitment to living from the awakened heart. You have great trust that the ox of the awakened heart-mind exists. You have already seen the ox—how do you catch it, tame it, and bring it home to where it is stable enough to support your intention to live awake in daily life?
In the middle segment of the classes, we will explore what is needed to tame the ox and ride it home. He will try to buck you off! This phase will include deeper practice with access concentration, vipassana and the stages of the path of dependent arising, states and stages of consciousness, pure awareness, and a deeper look at the multiple intentions each being carries.
What helps us to release self-centered intentions and see through the dualities in which we live? We may also look at energy (chakras), the elements, and spirit guidance as supports. What about the imaginal cells we met last year?
Our groups will offer much support too. As we look at personal intentions, we will also revisit the deeper universal intentions from The Eden Project. What has drawn us to earth at this time? Intention has great power!
During the last months of class and the final retreat, we will move on to The Ox Forgotten, the Self Remains; Forget Both Self and Ox; Return to the Origin, Back to the Source and Entering the Marketplace with Extended Hands.
What is the experience of no-self and how do we integrate it into daily life? What supports living from our awakened heart-minds—or as we phrased it in The Eden Project—living from the Center of the Bridge? Here is our commitment to awakening for the benefit of all beings and to support the transition of the earth.
This is a one-year class, but it is likely it will continue in some form into a second year. In June there will be a one-week retreat to bring it all together and practice in depth.
Barbara Brodsky, Aaron, Mary Magdalene and John Orr
About the teachers
About Aaron
About Mary Magdalene (Mary of Magdala)
Contact Barbara Brodsky at with any questions.
All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.
Registration, Schedule and Enrollment Information
Event Details
Dates and registration
Semester two – Winter/Spring 2023:
- January 17
- January 31
- February 14
- February 28
- March 14
- March 28
- April 11
- April 25 (rescheduled to May 2)
- May 9
- May 23
Times: Tuesdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pm Eastern. The link to Zoom, which is used for all sessions, are emailed the day before the first session.
Time zones: Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Suggested donation: $150 – $500
No one will be excluded for financial reasons. Contact to make arrangements.
For experienced students only. Must have in depth experience with insight meditation practice, or a similarly related meditation practice with a qualified teacher. Some familiarity with pure awareness meditation practice is also very valuable. If in doubt that the program is suitable for you, please contact one of the teachers.
Semester two: Winter/Spring 2023
When registering for the program, donate what you are able. Deep Spring Center can only continue providing programs and services if sufficient donation volume is maintained. If, however, you are unable to make the minimum donation, contact the DSC office ( and arrangements will be made that work for you. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Dana Donations for the Teachers
Our teachers receive no financial compensation from Deep Spring Center. The registration donations fund the operation of the organization and all of its program production. Your heart-felt dana donations to each teacher is a much-appreciated expression of gratitude and support for them. Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Events with Spirit

Evenings with Aaron - Winter/Spring 2023
Monthly on Wednesdays at 7 – 9:00 pm Eastern
Event Details
- January 11
- February 8
- March 8
- April 19
- May 17
Time: One Wednesday a month from 7:00 pm ⎯ 9:00 pm Eastern. Links to Zoom sessions are emailed the day before each session.
Time zones: Times listed are in the eastern time zone. To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Suggested donation:
- Individual sessions: $10 ⎯ $30
- Winter/Spring 2023: $50 ⎯ $150
You are invited to register for the entire Winter/Spring 2023 season or you may register for each session on a monthly basis.
Receive the monthly edited Evenings with Aaron video by offering a monthly donation of $10+ or a one-time yearly donation of $250.
All are welcome. No experience is necessary.
- Winter/Spring 2023 all sessions – REGISTER
Single sessions:
- January 11 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: January 9 - February 8 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: February 6 - March 8 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: March 6 - April 19 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: April 19 - May 17 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: May 15
An open session with Aaron and Barbara Brodsky.
Evenings with Aaron meets once a month. All are welcome. Aaron has met with us regularly since 1989. In this gathering, Aaron often will address a present world issue and how we can best support the resolution of this issue from a place of loving awareness. He reminds us that whatever appears in our lives comes as a teacher. We are here to learn and practice dynamic compassion, that is, to actively live in the world while always connected to our spiritual centers. On some weeks, Aaron may direct us to a specific spiritual practice. Some months, the evening will become “Aaron and friends” as he invites spirit friends to speak with him. After his talk, Aaron will invite questions and sharing.
Barbara Brodsky and Aaron
Contact Barbara Brodsky at with any questions.
All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.

Remembering Wholeness - Winter/Spring 2023
One Sunday a month from 2:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern
Event Details
- January 8
- February 5
- March 5
- April 2 (rescheduled for April 16)
- May 14
Time: One Sunday a month from 2:00 pm ⎯ 5:00 pm Eastern. Links to Zoom sessions are emailed the day before each session.
Time zones: Times listed are in the eastern time zone. To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Suggested donation:
- Individual sessions: $10 ⎯ $30
- Winter/Spring 2022: $50 ⎯ $150
You are invited to register for the entire Fall 2022 season or you may register for each session on a monthly basis. We recommend that you register early as we have limited space for attendees.
All are welcome. No experience necessary.
- Winter/Spring 2023 all sessions – REGISTER
- January 8 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: January 6 - February 5 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: February 3 - March 5 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: March 3 - April 16 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: April 14 - May 14 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: May 12
Darshan with The Mother
My love to you all. I am The Mother.
A mother is one who gives birth to, supports, and cherishes, and then releases out into the universe, with love, always ready to hold and support.
Now, with zoom, everyone hears all my words. I continue to speak to individuals but often what I say is applicable to many in the group. You are welcome to listen and use whatever supports you.
In Remembering Wholeness as we continue, I will be offering from my own understanding, and also as supported by Aaron and Yeshua, the personal and the group messages that can most support the program participants. These are the places where people are a little bit stuck; the places where that stickiness will be helped to release by gently revealing itself when held deeply with love. I will speak more to the whole gathered group than in past years. People are able to hear what resonates for each one. Always, my unconditional love for each being will be the container.
Barbara Brodsky
About the teacher
Contact Barbara Brodsky at with any questions.
All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.
Meditation Classes and Practice

The Awakening of A Sangha – An Invitation to help Co-Create the Book
Monday, 7:30 – 9:00 pm Eastern
Event Details
Dates and registration:
- January 16
- February 20
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
Times: Monday, 7:30 – 9:00 pm Eastern. The link to Zoom, to be used for all sessions is emailed the day before the first session.
Time zones: Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Suggested donation: $75-$250
No one will be excluded for financial reasons. Contact to make arrangements.Description
Deep Spring Center
The Awakening of a Sangha
An Invitation to help Co-Create the BookDiscussion and organizing to create a book representing the teachings of Aaron and Deep Spring Center will begin in the winter/spring semester of 2023.
This endeavor derives from the natural progression of Celeste Zygmont's class Applying Vipassana in Daily Life and Seeing Its Progression Along the Path. The class document for that class expanded by necessity to explain the focus of Vipassana along the path to awakening. Many more teachings were being included in the document to widen the scope of understanding and broaden the skill of the practitioner. So the idea to create a book explaining the fullness of Deep Spring Center's teachings was born.
Aaron's teachings at Deep Spring Center do not exist isolated on their own; they are the living, guiding Dharma within each of us. As we grow in the Dharma, so the Light grows within each of us, and our service to the planet expands with the higher vibration we engender. This book is an expression of that growing Light and thus will reflect the contribution that the Sangha is able to add to it.
You are invited to participate in various ways. A most significant way is by encapsulating in writing how specific teachings have given you insight and greater skill and also have helped you to connect with the heart.
Other ways to participate are to contact those who could contribute about the various activities within Deep Spring Center which add to the fullness of this Center. For instance, the influence of the Mother's work to help us remember our wholeness. There is also the work of the mediums and mediumship. We have a variety of guided meditations. And there are specific teachings which need explanation, such as the states and stages of consciousness, the 16 Knowledges, the cycle of dependent origination, the cetasikas, the 6 senses and their consciousness, habitual karmic patterns, the 5 aggregates of self, the elements, the chakras, the wisdom of the work with Sacred Darkness, nondual understanding, the benefit of combining the pure awareness practice with vipassana, access concentration, the Seven Branch Prayer, the four immeasurables, the Brahma Vihara's and other heart opening support for the path. Then there are the retreats that Deep Spring Center holds, and chanting, online meditation, and the healing and ever-healed workshops, which are all relevant things to include. And don't forget the Earth's history and its move into fourth density, and Deep Spring Center's own history.
There will need to be proofreaders, those who can work on proper referencing, the creation of a thorough glossary and a contents page, and possibly an index. The final title can be established by the end. There will be discussion of whether it will be a digital work only or also a printed book. Other issues like that will need to be decided and acted upon.
Work will continue into subsequent semesters until our co-creation is complete.
Celeste Zygmont
About the teacher
Contact Celeste Zygmont at with any questions.
All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Winter/Spring 2023
Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern
- Event Details
Dates and registration:
- February 9
- February 23
- March 9
- March 23
- April 6
- April 20
- May 11
- May 25
Times: Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern. The link to Zoom, which is used for all sessions are emailed the day before the first session.
Time zones: Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Suggested donation: $120 – $400
No one will be excluded for financial reasons. Contact to make arrangements.
All are welcome. No experience is necessary.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is an ancient text that is a guidebook for walking the spiritual path. Taught by Robert Jacobs, the course considers the Sutras from the point of view of Tantric Yoga, particularly the North Indian school of Kashmir Shaivism. This is a non-dual school that emphasizes that everything is an expression of Divine Awareness. Along with studying the text, we will practice tantric forms of meditation to help us understand the sutras, focusing on the mantra, the breath, visualizations, the opening of the central channel, and the chakras. The course is both theoretical and practical and provides a slightly different point of view than the Buddhist teachings we’re familiar with from Aaron, Barbara, and John.
Robert studied the primary scriptures of Indian yoga for many years under two well-known spiritual masters. His studies were always undertaken in conjunction with his practices so that the teachings were never merely speculative. The true way to study yoga is through both understanding and practice. This is how the course will be constructed.
We will meet on a Thursday evening approximately every other week starting February 9 and ending May 25. The sessions will be on Zoom and last for 90 minutes, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Study tools will be provided as well as assignments for each class.
Robert Jacobs
About the teacher
Contact Robert Jacobs at with any questions.
All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.

Silent Meditation Practice (Weekly)
Weekly on Sunday and Tuesday mornings
Deep Spring Center for Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry offers the opportunity to meditate online every Sunday and Tuesday morning with others from far and near. We connect online via Zoom.
All that is needed is a willingness to observe with kindness the expressions of the self and to be open to ever-present pure awareness.
What to Expect
We will have a brief period of chanting, then mute ourselves, and then begin silent vipassana meditation. After the hour is finished a bell will ring and meditators can go on with their day. There will be time to stay and chat or discuss questions if someone so chooses.
Please note this is not a class or a guided meditation. For information about vipassana meditation and beginning instructions, please read ‘What is Insight Meditation’ and ‘Vipassana Instructions’.
Event Details
Suggested donation:
- Facilitators for these weekly meditations offer their services on a volunteer basis. Donations to Deep Spring Center in support of the program are always appreciated. Make a donation.
- SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY EMAIL LIST TO REGISTER. You will receive our Zoom links every Friday morning via email.
- Helpful hints for Zoom
The room opens 30 minutes before the meditation begins so people can join in, greet each other before meditation, and get settled.
- Sundays: 11 am – 12 pm EST. Room opens at 10:30 am EST
- Tuesdays: 9:00 – 9:30 am EST. Room opens at 8:30 am EST
Time Zones: Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Facilitator: Celeste Zygmont
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers
Retreats and Workshops

Healing and the Ever Healed Workshop
January 21 – January 28, 2023
Barbara Brodsky*, Aaron, and The Mother, Tavis Taylor, and John Orr,
*and likely Yeshua, Love, Father John and other channeled spirit entities.
To keep the week accessible to all, coast to coast and in Europe, our core program will run from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm Eastern Time (2 sessions daily 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm)
Meditation 9:00 am ⎯ 10:00 am and 7:30 pm ⎯ 9:00 pm Eastern Time. On most days there will be optional meditation with John Orr with instruction, talks, guided meditations, and chanting.
Event Details
Location: Online via Zoom
Suggested donation:
- $200 ⎯ $800
Registration deadline Thursday, January 19, 2023
Barbara Brodsky, Aaron, and The Mother, Tavis Taylor and John Orr, and likely Yeshua, Love, Father John and other channeled spirit entities, perhaps other mediums too.
Some familiarity with vipassana and pure awareness meditation would be very valuable. We will not introduce the beginning basics of these practices in the workshop though some support will be available.
This workshop will not be a repetition of last year’s but will expand into new areas, as led by spirit.
For many centuries we have been in a transitional phase of human consciousness. Right now, we’re at a tipping point, preparing to shift into what will come next. We see a world devastated by a deadly virus; a world with massive environmental destruction; a world with extremes of hatred bred in fear and separation. It scares us and we want to fix it all, but what does “fixing” mean? Nothing can be “fixed” if the solution is not already present. The healing that we seek as a world and individually, is accessible if we know how to open to it. Such opening to the ever-healed, spiritually, physically, or emotionally, and personally and universally, is the focus of this workshop.
Another focus will be Covid as a virus, and its effects on humans and our world. Mary spoke to us about Covid through Barbara, saying:
"Every living thing has polarity. The virus has a negative polarity in that it is a service to self. It wants to keep itself alive and multiply. It has low mental capacity as the human knows that. So, it will take advantage as it can of whatever allows it to thrive. When it takes root in a human, and the human becomes ill from it and then recovers, the human cells still hold a certain memory of the virus and the virus’s negative polarity and service-to-self stance."
We will spend time learning about the spirit and energy of the virus, and how it affects the world and the “self” and will have a journey that Aaron or another being leads to support release, either independently in the week or as part of the beginning of the larger healing circle with spirit.
As humans we are all microcosms of our world; we practice with ourselves what we wish to offer to the world and to all beings. All healing requires higher vibration; phrased differently, opening to and sustaining the ever-healed requires high vibration. Healing also asks us to imagine what we want to bring into our presence and to express outward, using imagination, inner knowing, and literally, “imaginal cells”.
In this workshop, with human and spirit guidance, we will explore ways of sustaining a high vibration in the face of challenging catalyst; including the pathway of sustaining higher consciousness through deepening meditation; the pathway of practice with energy, chakras, and the elements; the power of intention and of heart-centered practices. We’ll investigate the ‘bridge’ between ultimate and relative. Where on that bridge does healing happen and how to hold that space? We’ll explore co-creating with spirit. There will be a special focus on the imaginal cells. There will be instruction, practice, and periods for questions and discussion.
Our guides for the week will be the humans: Dr. Tavis Taylor, a senior allopathic physician and Divine Light energy worker; John Orr, a highly experienced Dharma and meditation teacher in the Theravada and Pure Awareness traditions and Barbara Brodsky, founding teacher of Deep Spring Center, Dharma teacher, and medium. Joining the humans are spirits who speak through Barbara: Aaron (who in his final human lifetime in the 1500s was a Theravada monk and is Barbara’s core teacher); The Mother who comes to us as many expressions of the Divine mother; Yeshua who is a very clear expression of Jesus: several entities with a strong background in healing; Love, who is simply Love – wise and filled with compassion; and the Brothers and Sisters of Light with their special skills to support wholeness. Other mediums and teachers may also support this workshop.
After several days of preparation, midway through the week, we will have a sacred ceremony wherein (optionally) we’ll come together with spirit support to release distortions in physical, emotional, mental bodies and in karma, and draw ourselves back into the highest possible expressions of personal wholeness. We’ll ask participants to follow that day with as much rest and silence as is possible for 24 hours. On other days, we’ll hold the same intentions for our earth itself.
Our intention is that through this workshop you find a more stable way to rest in your own Divine Center, release distortion, and help all the earth to release distortion.

Emerald Isle Retreat
Responding to the Tides
April 22 – 29, 2023
Barbara Brodsky, Aaron and John Orr
Please contact Patty Smith Overman at for information

Living from our Unlimited Essence Through Meditation
June 3-10, 2023
A week of Vipassana, Pure Awareness, and Lovingkindness retreat practice and instruction, via Zoom
Barbara Brodsky, Aaron*, and John Orr
Event Details
Location: Live via Zoom
Suggested donation:
- $200 ⎯ $800
Registration deadline Thursday, June 1, 2023
A meditation retreat is a wonderful opportunity to experience our own inner being while sharing in the support of others. The retreat will be held in silence; those joining will maintain that silence from their homes as best they can, around family, necessary work, and other matters.
There will be clear instruction on sitting, standing, and walking meditation for beginners and experienced meditators. There will be evening talks, optional discussion periods with the teachers as well as some chanting from various spiritual traditions.
We’ll bring in three practices through the week. First Vipassana, a simple and direct practice: the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind/body process through calm, focused awareness – which allows us to experience sensations, emotions, thoughts and consciousness with greater clarity and balance. The meditation derives from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, but no special religious belief nor ritual is necessary. This process of opening non-judgmentally and compassionately to ourselves moves from the practice period to the whole of our lives and contributes to a profound sense of peace and harmony. Second is Pure Awareness, which is a meditation that invites us to rest in spaciousness - in our true being. Third are the practices of Lovingkindness and the Open Heart.
After decades of leading in-person retreats and three years of leading retreats via Zoom, we have found people can go deep in their own homes and can benefit by learning how to better integrate the practices into their daily lives.
Pre-retreat guidance will be offered on how to prepare yourself, those who share your home, and your meditation space for your retreat.
John Orr received Theravada Buddhist ordination and training for a period of eight years while living as a monk in the 1970’s in Thailand and India. Drawing from a range of wisdom teachings he has also practiced in the Dzogchen and Taoist traditions. John has been teaching meditation and leading Dharma retreats at various centers around the world since 1980. After retiring from the faculty of Duke University, John has relocated to his new home outside of Asheville, North Carolina.
Barbara Brodsky is a Quaker, and is also a trained dharma teacher in the Buddhist tradition. Barbara is the founding and guiding teacher for the meditation and spiritual inquiry community, Deep Spring Center, which is located in Ann Arbor, Mich. She has been profoundly deaf for 51 years; living with silence has greatly influenced her life and teaching.
Barbara is also a channel for the spirit, Aaron. In many previous lifetimes, Aaron has been a Buddhist monk, teacher and scholar. In his final lifetime he was a Vipassana meditation master in the Theravada tradition. His teaching during a retreat draws from this background, but he also reminds us that, like all of us, he has lived in many bodies, had many shades of skin, and followed many spiritual paths. Aaron is a being of great love, compassion, wisdom, and gentle humor. All three teachers will provide guidance during the retreat.
*Aaron is channeled by Barbara Brodsky
Private Counseling
We do not do “readings” in the conventional sense. Aaron does not predict the future or tell you what to do. The choices are yours. Most people who meet with us are ongoing meditation students or have met us at retreats and workshops. We meet in person, by phone, or via Zoom. Aaron does what we call “spiritual counseling,” helping people to better understand their life issues and how to experience them as catalyst for growth. He will never tell people what they should do; he just helps them to understand the spiritual basis for the issues or confusion.
With this in mind, we often work with ongoing students with whom we may meet once or twice a month or two or three times a year. Many of these people are either in classes, or attend meditation retreats and workshops with Barbara. We will occasionally meet for a one-time meeting with someone who has sincere questions and willingness and inner resources to work on themselves.
If you wish such a meeting, please email Barbara at with some background about your spiritual and meditation practice, your present situation, and how you feel we may be of help. This does not guarantee a meeting. Please visit explore the channeled material and extensive archives for more information. You can type in a term such as “depression,” “grief,” “wanderer,” “free will,” or whatever you seek and choose from many talks Aaron has given on the topic. You can also check out transcripts from classes or workshops and the books.
Such meetings last around an hour (though Aaron doesn’t work by the clock) and are offered on a sliding scale. As many have asked for a guideline, suggested donations are $100, $200, and $300 according to one’s ability to pay.
Meditation support sessions are with Barbara unless Aaron has a specific suggestion about your practice. This meeting is focused on deepening your meditation practice. Of course, life issues touch our practice, but in meditation coaching sessions, we don’t go into past lives or consider life issues in depth but work on how to work with such issues in meditation. The meeting will last about a half hour and is offered completely on a dana (free-will donation) basis.