Volunteer with Deep Spring Center
Link to June 2024 fundraiser.
“Dana is a deep generosity that comes in many forms, through material means, service, a smile even, with no agenda, attachment or trying to control.
It is not important what we give, or how much we give, but to have the direct experience of giving freely, from the heart. It is this giving that transforms us and helps us open to the further stages of dharma. Unconditional giving helps us open into the Unconditioned.”
Barbara Brodsky on September 8, 2012
Deep Spring Center is a non-profit teaching organization that offers programs, workshops, and retreats via the internet to people around the world. An extensive library of books, audio material, videos and archived transcripts/course materials is available to explore and to help all of us learn how to live more skillfully.
There are many ways to give to Deep Spring Center: we appreciate your time attending programs; we appreciate your attention to our emails and social media posts; we appreciate your care to practice interconnectedness and interbeing.
You are welcome to give in form of service or financially.
Dedicated volunteers provide essential contributions of time, effort and skill to support our mission to share Aaron’s teachings and support all beings on their spiritual paths to meet life’s challenges with greater compassion and equanimity.
Volunteers assist in areas such as hosting online events via Zoom, back- end archiving of Aaron’s teachings, managing logistics of in-person retreats, building community, committee heads, and so forth.
Those who volunteer with Deep Spring Center greatly appreciate the opportunity to practice living with an awakened heart in all of our daily interactions.
We invite you to join us. Simply fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and we will be in touch with you soon.
Current Needs
- Positions Available: 5
- Position location: Remote
- Time commitment: 3 Hours per month. Volunteer time depends on which DSC event you sign up for.
- Position commitment: 6 months to 12-months. Continuing beyond this builds a strong Zoom host team and ensures continued DSC program success.
- Start Time: Fall of 2023
- Skillset required: Zoom hosting for DSC events primarily requires fundamental computer knowledge and a stable internet connection. Knowledge of Zoom hosting is a plus, but not necessary.
- Materials required: A desktop or laptop computer system that can easily connect to the internet. This position cannot be operated from a tablet or phone.
- Resources: Training by seasoned Zoom Team volunteers will be available.
Please fill out this volunteer form:
Contact: Tana Dean, Director of Administration at om@deepspring.org
Zoom hosts testimonials:
“Being a volunteer DSC Zoom Host has given me the opportunity to give back to an organization that has given me so much. The hosting experience itself has been a chance for me to mindfully watch the arising of old conditioned patterns in which suffering occurs with contracting around ‘the one who thinks she has to do it right.’ As a result, I have gained more clarity around understanding how these patterns are not self and how to experience more joy when being of service.” Pat P.
“Being a Zoom host for Deep Spring Center is not something I made a conscious effort to do. I fell into the experience in April of 2020, when the Emerald Isle [Retreat] was held remotely because of Covid-19. I had never done that level of technology. I simply responded to the need when [the Zoom Host’s] computer charger was dropped and broke. Words are not fully adequate to express the ways Spirit has blessed me in this service. Our purpose is simply to be a service to the dharma—to both the students and the teacher. You cannot out-give the dharma.” D.B., Michigan
Updated: May 20, 2023
Deep Spring Center Board Members Needed
Please consider becoming a DSC board member if you love DSC’s work and want to be a part of its continuing positive manifestation in the world.
Deep Spring Center (DSC) is a nonprofit organization whose vision is:
To co-create with all sentient beings a loving world awakened to higher consciousness, while taking comfort that this is already so.
And the mission is:
Guided by wisdom teachings from multiple traditions during courses, retreats, and private sessions, our loving community commits to spiritual practices of living with increasing wisdom, compassion, and an open heart.
The DSC board and staff help manifest these by providing the infrastructure to bring you the teachings of Barbara Brodsky and Aaron; and sometimes other teachers of merit we think you will enjoy and whose views are in alignment with our vision, mission, and beliefs.
It is a legal requirement to have a Board of Directors for a nonprofit organization. DSC is set up to have 9 Board of Directors members, and presently has 5 members. Several members have completed their 3 years, or more, of service this year and have vacated their seats. By the end of 2023 we expect one more board member to complete their service after 7 years. For DSC to operate optimally, a complete board is sought to bring diversity and wisdom to this decision-making group.
What does a board member do? A board member is a volunteer who helps the Board set strategy and policy for Deep Spring Center. Board members are expected to attend a monthly meeting to review DSC’s present status and determine if there is need for change, and then to discuss how to proceed. The board exists to advise and support the staff who do the majority of the work to make things happen, whose ultimate goal is to support the teachings presented by Aaron and Barbara. The most recent board has worked hard to develop a process to be advisory and allow the staff to perform the work they are employed to do. There may be an occasional ask for a specific need, but the goal of the board is to be advisory.
- Board members need to be a part of DSC and they must have participated in programs, so they are familiar with DSC’s programming and guiding principles.
- Board members need to be willing to communicate with an open heart and agree to consensus decision- making.
- Have internet and zoom access
- Meet for 2 hrs one Sunday monthly 8-10pm EST, (this fits best with our international time zones)
- Members are asked to serve a 3 year term
- May live in any country and must speak English
Application Process
- Send a request to Tana Dean om@deepspring.org, requesting to attend a board meeting as a guest.
- After the board meeting, if you wish to apply to become a board member, write a letter of intent to the board describing why you want to be a member and what skills you want to share. Send this letter to the board president, Tavis Taylor board@deepspring.org
If you are interested, please contact us. If you know someone else who you would like to represent you, encourage them to apply. A larger board really will help with diversity of feedback, thoughts, experiences, and opinions that are valuable to shape the future of Deep Spring Center.
- 1-2 Grocery Shoppers (may alternate)
- Ann Arbor, MI
Twice a month Barbara needs someone to either purchase groceries from her list or accompany her to the store. Assistance bringing groceries into the house is necessary.