All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
See Dana for Teachers to learn more.
Principal Teachers
Barbara Brodsky
Founder and Guiding Teacher
Barbara Brodsky, founder and guiding teacher of Deep Spring Center for Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry, has been practicing meditation since 1960. An ordained Interfaith Minister, she teaches Insight/Vipassana meditation and non-dual awareness practices deriving from the Dzogchen traditions. Barbara’s teachings and channeling of Aaron from her home in Ann Arbor, Michigan, are appreciated by people of all faiths around the world. An introduction to Barbara Brodsky
Offer dana to Barbara Brodsky
Private sessions with Barbara Brodsky
John Orr
John Orr received Theravada Buddhist ordination and training for a period of eight years while living as a monk in the 1970’s in Thailand and India. His Asian teachers are Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Buddhadasa and S.N. Goenka. He has been teaching meditation and leading retreats around the country since 1980. John is the guiding teacher of the New Hope Sangha, which is a nondenominational community located in Durham, North Carolina that respects the wisdom of various spiritual traditions. He is retired from the faculty of Duke University. John has been a long time colleague of Barbara Brodsky, a student of Aaron and has been a Deep Spring Center teacher for many years.
Aaron is a discarnate spirit who serves as a wisdom teacher from a realm beyond the Earth plane. He has been a Buddhist monk and scholar in many lifetimes, and expresses as a being of great love, compassion, wisdom, and gentle humor. In his final lifetime on Earth, he was a Vipassana meditation master in the Theravada tradition, though previously had lived many different lives following a variety of spiritual paths. ... Read More
Other Teachers
Nancy Beckman
Nancy’s involvement with Buddhism began in Japan, where she spent four years learning the Zen practice suizen (“blowing zen”), using the bamboo flute (shakuhachi). She holds degrees in East Asian Studies and Inter-Arts. In 1990, she began practicing Insight Meditation and attending retreats with the founding teachers of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, completing their Dedicated Practitioner Program in 2004. Her continued study with them included being trained by James Baraz to teach his “Awakening Joy” course. In 2015, she came to Deep Spring Center, and has found that these teachings have given her valuable tools to navigate daily life, expanded her practice, and led her to a deeper appreciation for the gift of life.
Nina Bohlen
Nina has practiced meditation for over 30 years. She began her studies of insight meditation at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. At Spirit Rock, she attended retreats with some of Spirit Rock’s founding teachers, participated in Spirit Rock’s three-year Dedicated Practitioners Program, and taught meditation to children in the Monday evening children’s program. For five years, she also co-led a Kalyana Mitta meditation group, which was affiliated with Spirit Rock. Nina discovered Deep Spring Center in 2008 and has participated in its retreats and programs ever since.
Robert Jacobs
Robert Jacobs has been practicing meditation and yoga for 45 years. He lived and studied with two Spiritual Masters from the Indian yoga tradition in ashrams for over 18 years, learning the essential scriptures of the Indian tradition in conjunction with his practices. Robert’s teachings are practical, living means to achieve a direct experience of the one Truth within. His spiritual memoir Journey to the Awakened Heart, available on the Deep Spring Center website and, was published in 2018. He now leads Awakened Heart Yoga & Meditation in Gainesville, Florida, where he teaches courses on meditation and the Indian scriptures.
Lauren Jubelirer
It is a great joy for me to offer a class called shamanic journeying for guidance and Healing. I have been incorporating Shamanic Practices into my own spiritual path and my path as a healer since 1987.
I have studied with several indigenous shamans, healers, and medicine people as well as Western teachers like Hank Wesselman and Sandra Ingerman. Most recently, I have completed a two-year Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman in 2020. I am also a professional Life and embodiment Coach, Acupuncturist, and Shamanic Astrologer.
I weave all these wisdom streams into my classes. I am passionate about assisting others in creating and deepening a relationship with their higher selves ,guides, teachers, master healers in the unseen worlds as well as embracing partnership with the natural elemental world.
My approach is consistent with non-dual teachings, and I believe will work well with the Deep Spring Center community. These healing practices include bringing the light of our higher selves into all aspects of ourselves… especially those that are sent into the shadow/ darkness….embodying softness, compassion, and unconditional love.
Dan Muir
Dan Muir found his spiritual home at Deep Spring Center shortly after moving back to Michigan in 1999. He has been teaching since 2006, working to convey the peace, joy, and deep wisdom he has found through honest intention, an effort at clean living, and daily meditation. When he isn’t teaching the Dharma, Dan is a nurse anesthetist who shares a farm near Lansing with horses and alpaca.
Colette Simone
Colette Simone completed a Master of Music Degree and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has served as a psychologist, educator, and musician in a variety of settings. Her involvement with spiritual traditions led her to the Ra Material/Law of One, and subsequently Aaron and Deep Spring Center in 2017. She serves as channel for Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Anna, grandmother of Yeshua, and I AM that AM in Deep Spring Center events and programs. She lives in Pittsfield Township, Michigan with her beloved rescue kitties and cherished grand piano.
Iris Wolfson
Iris has maintained a meditation practice for over 35 years. She has worked with and learned from spiritual healers, teachers, Nomads in Tibet and shamans in the Peruvian jungle. She has traveled many times to the spiritual healing center in Brazil, called the Casa, where she met Barbara Brodsky. “I soon began studying and participating in meditation retreats with Deep Spring Center. As I continue my spiritual journey, I am very pleased to now be of service to the Deep Spring Center” said Iris.
Celeste Zygmont
Celeste Zygmont has been involved with Deep Spring Center for nearly three decades. She was an early editor of the DSC newsletter. She took part in the teacher training program and in the Venture Fourth and Dharma Path programs, and also served on the DSC Board of Directors. She currently facilitates the Sunday and Tuesday online meditations and teaches the Dharma in service to all beings.
Thank you for your generosity.
Deep Spring Center for Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry serves an international community and depends on donations to support our mission.