Course: An Introduction to Vipassana – Mindfulness Meditation
Course Title: Introduction to Vipassana—Mindfulness Meditation with Aaron, channeled by Barbara Brodsky.
Description: Pre-recorded teachings for study on your time.
This course-on-demand offers 2.9 hours of teachings to develop and sustain a daily Vipassana meditation practice. Barbara and Aaron* teach this introductory series with a combination of mindful presence that is aware of both the arising and passing away of objects and of the space between objects, and an open heart that’s willing to be present with whatever is predominant in our experience.
Live Q&A sessions will be scheduled via Zoom throughout the year to support students.
Program includes:
- Class 1 | The Basics of Vipassana
- Class 2 | Pain and Suffering
- Class 3 | Mental Objects
- Class 4 | Grasping
- Class 5 | Aversion
- Class 6 | Practicing Compassion
- Class 7 | The Greatest Gifts of Meditation
- Class 8 | Final Class
*Aaron is channeled by Barbara Brodsky who is the founder and guiding teacher of Deep Spring Center.
other teachers with Deep Spring Center offer their teachings freely.
from students. We invite you to use our dana basket
to offer a gift to Barbara to express gratitude for her teaching.
Dana bowl for Barbara Brodsky.
Donate and download the course on demand below.
Suggested donation to Deep Spring Center is $120-$350.
Suggested donation: $120.00