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Healing and the Ever-Healed Workshop – 2025

Healing and the Ever-Healed Workshop – 2025

Barbara Brodsky*, Aaron, and The Mother, Colette Simone, Tavis Taylor, and John Orr,
*and likely Yeshua, Love, Father John and other channeled spirit entities.

To keep the week accessible to all, coast to coast and in Europe, our core program will run from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm Eastern Time (2 sessions daily 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm)

Meditation 9:00 am ⎯ 10:00 am and 7:30 pm ⎯ 9:00 pm Eastern Time. On most days there will be optional meditation with John Orr with instruction, talks, guided meditations, and chanting.

Event Details

Location: Online via Zoom

Suggested donation:

  • suggested donation to come
  • REGISTER – to come
    Registration deadline – to come


Barbara Brodsky, Aaron, and The Mother, Tavis Taylor and John Orr, and likely Yeshua, Love, Father John and other channeled spirit entities, perhaps other mediums too.

Some familiarity with vipassana and pure awareness meditation would be very valuable. We will not introduce the beginning basics of these practices in the workshop though some support will be available.

This workshop will not be a repetition of last year’s but will expand into new areas, as led by spirit.

For many centuries we have been in a transitional phase of human consciousness. Right now, we’re at a tipping point, preparing to shift into what will come next. We see a world devastated by a deadly virus; a world with massive environmental destruction; a world with extremes of hatred bred in fear and separation. It scares us and we want to fix it all, but what does “fixing” mean? Nothing can be “fixed” if the solution is not already present. The healing that we seek as a world and individually, is accessible if we know how to open to it. Such opening to the ever-healed, spiritually, physically, or emotionally, and personally and universally, is the focus of this workshop.

Another focus will be Covid as a virus, and its effects on humans and our world. Mary spoke to us about Covid through Barbara, saying:

“Every living thing has polarity. The virus has a negative polarity in that it is a service to self. It wants to keep itself alive and multiply. It has low mental capacity as the human knows that. So, it will take advantage as it can of whatever allows it to thrive. When it takes root in a human, and the human becomes ill from it and then recovers, the human cells still hold a certain memory of the virus and the virus’s negative polarity and service-to-self stance.”

We will spend time learning about the spirit and energy of the virus, and how it affects the world and the “self” and will have a journey that Aaron or another being leads to support release, either independently in the week or as part of the beginning of the larger healing circle with spirit.

As humans we are all microcosms of our world; we practice with ourselves what we wish to offer to the world and to all beings. All healing requires higher vibration; phrased differently, opening to and sustaining the ever-healed requires high vibration. Healing also asks us to imagine what we want to bring into our presence and to express outward, using imagination, inner knowing, and literally, “imaginal cells”.

In this workshop, with human and spirit guidance, we will explore ways of sustaining a high vibration in the face of challenging catalyst; including the pathway of sustaining higher consciousness through deepening meditation; the pathway of practice with energy, chakras, and the elements; the power of intention and of heart-centered practices. We’ll investigate the ‘bridge’ between ultimate and relative. Where on that bridge does healing happen and how to hold that space? We’ll explore co-creating with spirit. There will be a special focus on the imaginal cells. There will be instruction, practice, and periods for questions and discussion.

Our guides for the week will be the humans: Dr. Tavis Taylor, a senior allopathic physician and Divine Light energy worker; John Orr, a highly experienced Dharma and meditation teacher in the Theravada and Pure Awareness traditions and Barbara Brodsky, founding teacher of Deep Spring Center, Dharma teacher, and medium. Joining the humans are spirits who speak through Barbara: Aaron (who in his final human lifetime in the 1500s was a Theravada monk and is Barbara’s core teacher); The Mother who comes to us as many expressions of the Divine mother; Yeshua who is a very clear expression of Jesus: several entities with a strong background in healing; Love, who is simply Love – wise and filled with compassion; and the Brothers and Sisters of Light with their special skills to support wholeness. Other mediums and teachers may also support this workshop.

After several days of preparation, midway through the week, we will have a sacred ceremony wherein (optionally) we’ll come together with spirit support to release distortions in physical, emotional, mental bodies and in karma, and draw ourselves back into the highest possible expressions of personal wholeness. We’ll ask participants to follow that day with as much rest and silence as is possible for 24 hours. On other days, we’ll hold the same intentions for our earth itself.

Our intention is that through this workshop you find a more stable way to rest in your own Divine Center, release distortion, and help all the earth to release distortion.


Date and time

February 8, 2025February 13, 2025


Live stream via Zoom



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