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Workshop Winter 2024 | Explorations with Spirit

Workshop Winter 2024 | Explorations with Spirit

Explorations with Spirit Workshop Series

A continuation of the Fall 2023 workshop series Joy of Awakening


Event Details

Dates and registration:

  • January 20
  • March 2
  • May 11

Time: Saturday, 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Eastern.

Time zones: Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter

Location: via Zoom
The link to Zoom is emailed the day before.

Suggested donation per workshop: $30–$110 or all three workshops $90-$330
No one will be excluded for financial reasons. Contact om@deepspring.org to make arrangements.
Separate registrations for each workshop.

All are welcome.

Description for May 11, 2024

Barbara, Colette and spirit friends invite you to join us in a co-creative experience of imagining and inviting love and light to support peace and healing for our beloved Gaia as well as in our personal lives.

In past workshops we have focused on co-creation through our multi-dimensional selves. We will spend some time reviewing the path we have previously discussed of using Imagination, Intention, Embodiment, and skillful use of Emotion and Energy.

Spirit will speak to support our understanding of the distinction between co-creation from the individuated self and Light Co-creation from the multi-dimensional self.

We will then break out into small teams of 2 or 3. Each team will choose a personal or universal challenge on the earth plane upon which the group wishes to focus Co-creative Light attention. Each team will practice Light Co-creation as desired, for the highest good of all beings.

Following this we will come back together to share our experiences and answer questions.

We look forward to this gathering of human and spirit friends and hope you will join us. We truly can bring healing and wholeness into this beautiful world and into our own lives as well.

With Love,
Barbara, Colette, Aaron and Spirit Friends


You are all Imaginers and Co-creators. The higher self knows its non-separation; the human expression may experience itself as separate. Yet we know that nothing is separate. It is essential these two aspects come together as you co-create earth experience. The human, the mammal, has a core essence; its divine awakened heart. There are also the heavier physical, mental emotional and energetic bodies. Out of all these come free will choice; sometimes grounded in clarity, sometimes grounded in confusion. How does the human hold all of this together to imagine and co-create in a wholesome way, and thusly ground light into earth and all that lives on earth?

We have spoken some about light creation and use of the imaginal cells. Everything you create – your sandwich, a painting or musical composition, or a relationship – is light created. It is expressed in to your mundane reality. We will begin to explore the basics of light creation in this workshop. The workshop will be a mix of theory and specific practice. We look forward to sharing the workshop with you.



Barbara Brodsky, Colette Simone, and our spirit friends

About the teachers
About Aaron


Contact Barbara Brodsky at deepspringbarbara@gmail.com or Colette Simone at dr.colette.simone@gmail.com with any questions.


All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.

To offer dana to:
Barbara Brodsky – Online
Mail check made out to Barbara Brodsky
3455 Charing Cross Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Colette Simone – Online
Mail check made out to Colette Simone
4619 Hunt Club Drive, 1B
Pittsfield Township, MI 48197

Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.


Date and time

January 20


Live stream via Zoom



Dana for Teachers

Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings to them are greatly appreciated, as they receive no compensation from Deep Spring Center. Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.

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