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Workshop Fall 2024 | Humans: Divine Co-creators in the Cosmos

Workshop Fall 2024 | Humans: Divine Co-creators in the Cosmos

Event Details

Dates and registration:

  • September 21
  • November 2
  • December 7

Time: Saturday, 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Eastern. This pagew is edited.

Time zones: Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter

Location: via Zoom
The link to Zoom is emailed the day before.

Suggested donation per workshop: $30–$110 or all three workshops $90-$330
No one will be excluded for financial reasons. Contact om@deepspring.org to make arrangements.

All are welcome.

  • REGISTER | All Workshops
    Registration deadline is September 19, 2024
  • REG ISTER| September 21
    Registration deadline is September 19, 2024
  • REGISTER | November 2
    Registration deadline is October 31, 2024
  • REGISTER | December 7
    Registration deadline is December 5, 2024

Dear DSC Friends:
Aaron, Yeshua and friends have been exploring some fascinating topics with us over the last couple of months. We are so excited to share some of these things with you in our Fall 2024 workshop series: Humans: Divine Co-creators in the Cosmos.

The series will begin with reminding us that we are part of a multidimensional cosmos in which there are many other beings following their own journeys of expansion of consciousness and contributing in their unique ways to the beauty and complexity of the cosmos.

We will then consider how we as humans can learn to understand and collaborate with others who may be so unlike us and bring the gifts of the human to this inter-cosmos collective. This will include topics of free-will, respect for differences and honoring the essence of all beings, while at the same time developing discernment and wisdom grounded in love and saying no to distortion and negativity.

The third workshop will focus on embracing the diversity and complexity of form and expression in the cosmos and learning to co-create with others through acknowledging and knowing the Divine Core in all its expressions.

We are enthused to explore these topics and more in the Fall 2024 workshop series and plan to expand on these themes and others in the 2025 Winter/Spring workshops as well.

For more detail, please see Aaron and Yeshua’s course description following this letter.

We invite you to join us in this adventure as we begin to understand and prepare to take our place within the broader community of beings within this cosmos and to co-create from a foundation grounded in love and free-will.

In Love and Light:
Colette, Barbara, Aaron, Yeshua and Spirit Friends

Aaron and Yeshua’s Fall 2024 Workshop Series Course Description
Humans: Divine Co-creators in the Cosmos


Part 1 – September 21, 2024: Remembering the Cosmos

Humans are divine co-creators empowered by Love. We wish to remember that humans are one part of a much wider whole, each part to be respected and doing its special work.  What gifts does the human bring to creation? What learning is offered to the human?

We will talk about the variety of sentient beings throughout the cosmos. Some of them have vastly different thought patterns and ways of perceiving than the human.

For the human to enter this cosmos communication, we must learn to speak others’ languages. In other words, we must move beyond the narrow-mindedness of the human and begin to understand the multitude of modes of perception and expression.

We will introduce this and talk a bit about how the human can work within its own perceived limitations, to move past those limitations and truly become international or inter-cosmos communicators.

Understanding of polarity is essential here. We will establish our intention for a positively polarized universe in which there is no harm to any being, and in which free will is observed, grounded in love.

Part 2 – November 2, 2024:   Understanding the Meanings and Responsibilities of Free Will and Discernment 

Humans: understanding the gifts of free will and power for co-creation with love and respect for differences. How do we co-create? How do we work with those of very different views and backgrounds? How do we develop discernment that can differentiate true negative (service to self) intentions from simple differences?

Understanding the human’s special tools and skills that you have been learning for many thousands of years and that are coming together now. What the human brings to this co-creation with other beings throughout the cosmos. What skills the human may wish to further refine to do this. And how to bring your spiritual practice in tune with those skills.

How does a human develop discernment? Just as humans need discernment dealing with other humans, there is also a need for discernment in dealing with beings of other types from other planes of reality. The concept of polarity extends all the way through the multiverse.

Here is a place of learning and wisdom for humans, to have discernment, to not become enamored or frightened about beings who are different, but to take their place as wise ones within the cosmic community.

Part 3 – December 7, 2024: Embracing Difference While Centered in Essence 

Remembering Divine Essence: Co-creation from Divine Essence: What prevents us from knowing the Divine Essence of other beings and trusting that Divine Essence? How do we say ‘no’ to distorted expression while cherishing the essence?  How do we help others connect to essence?

The essence of every being on every plane, everywhere is Divine Essence. It is not a human Divine Essence versus this race or that race. It is Divine Essence expressed beautifully through the multitudes of beings that show it differently because of their complexity and variety.

We are not afraid of complexity but embrace diversity and learn to use complexity and diversity. And yet we must also simplify to communicate. Thus, we return to Divine Essence, and it is through that that we communicate.

What prevents us from knowing the Divine Essence of other beings and trusting that Divine Essence?

From the Divine Core we arrive at Divine Co-creation. But we must not be prejudiced to believe Divine Core is only this or that, but to perceive Divine Core in all the different ways that it expresses.

We also acknowledge distortion that separates us from Divine Core. How do we say no to the expressions of such distortion, from a place free of prejudice against differences?

Co-creation through acknowledgment and knowing Divine Core will be the focus of part three.


Barbara Brodsky, Colette Simone, and our spirit friends

About the teachers
About Aaron


Contact Barbara Brodsky at deepspringbarbara@gmail.com or Colette Simone at dr.colette.simone@gmail.com with teacher questions.
Contact Tana Dean at om@deepspring.org for registration or other questions.


All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.

To offer dana to:
Barbara Brodsky – Online
Mail check made out to Barbara Brodsky
3455 Charing Cross Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Colette Simone – Online
Mail check made out to Colette Simone
4619 Hunt Club Drive, 1B
Pittsfield Township, MI 48197

Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.


Date and time

December 7, 2024 @ 11:00 am3:00 pm EST


Live stream via Zoom



Dana for Teachers

Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings to them are greatly appreciated, as they receive no compensation from Deep Spring Center. Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.

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