Evenings with Aaron: Winter/Spring 2023
Event Details
- January 11
- February 8
- March 8
- April 19
- May 17
Time: One Wednesday a month from 7:00 pm ⎯ 9:00 pm Eastern. Links to Zoom sessions are emailed the day before each session.
Time zones: Times listed are in the eastern time zone. To convert to a different time zone: Use Time Zone Converter
Suggested donation:
- Individual sessions: $10 ⎯ $30
- Winter/Spring 2023: $50 ⎯ $150
You are invited to register for the entire Winter/Spring 2023 season or you may register for each session on a monthly basis.
Receive the monthly edited Evenings with Aaron video by offering a monthly donation of $10+ or a one-time yearly donation of $250.
All are welcome. No experience is necessary.
- Winter/Spring 2023 all sessions – REGISTER
Single sessions:
- January 11 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: January 9 - February 8 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: February 6 - March 8 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: March 6 - April 19 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: April 19 - May 17 – REGISTER
Registration deadline: May 15
An open session with Aaron and Barbara Brodsky.
Evenings with Aaron meets once a month. All are welcome. Aaron has met with us regularly since 1989. In this gathering, Aaron often will address a present world issue and how we can best support the resolution of this issue from a place of loving awareness. He reminds us that whatever appears in our lives comes as a teacher. We are here to learn and practice dynamic compassion, that is, to actively live in the world while always connected to our spiritual centers. On some weeks, Aaron may direct us to a specific spiritual practice. Some months, the evening will become “Aaron and friends” as he invites spirit friends to speak with him. After his talk, Aaron will invite questions and sharing.
Barbara Brodsky and Aaron
Contact Barbara Brodsky at bbrodsky@deepspring.org with any questions.
All Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings are always appreciated.
Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.
Donations to Deep Spring Center are used for technical support and operating expenses.

Date and time
February 8, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST

Dana for Teachers
Deep Spring Center teachers offer their time on a dana basis, joyfully sharing the teachings. Your free-will offerings to them are greatly appreciated, as they receive no compensation from Deep Spring Center. Offer dana to Deep Spring Center teachers.